Founded by
David Lukoff, PhD and Cassandra Vieten, PhD

David Lukoff, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist and co-author of the DSM IV and DSM 5 diagnostic category Religious or Spiritual Problem which increased awareness of spiritual issues in clinical practice.
Dr. Lukoff and Dr. Vieten are internationally recognized leaders in the field of spirituality and mental health
Dr. Lukoff is co-author of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-V) category on Religious and Spiritual Problems. Dr. Vieten is co-author of the book Spiritual and Religious Competencies in Clinical Practice: Guidelines for Psychologists and Mental Health Professionals. Both serve on the American Psychological Association Division 36 Task Force on Spiritual and Religious Compentencies. Together, they have authored dozens of publications and are international keynote speakers on the topic of spirituality and health.

Cassandra Vieten, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist, mind-body medicine researcher, author, consultant, and public speaker. She is co-author of Spiritual and Religious Competencies in Clinical Practice: Guidelines for Psychologists and Mental Health Professionals
Take our foundational course in spiritual competency:
What is Spiritual Competency?
Spiritual competencies are the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed for health care professionals to ethically and effectively understand and attend to spiritual and religious backgrounds, beliefs, and practices as they relate to mental health.
Learn more in our 2021 article in American Psychologist and in the video below.
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